Sunday, May 3, 2009


My car jerked to a sudden halt unintentionally. I hopped out to find the worst. Relying on the spare tyre for too long, this was pretty much expected…

But then did I realize of the sound of the sea.
The waves hitting the shore calling me.
I got drawn towards it as if I floated in air.
Surprised how I missed its beauty, in all the city lights and glare.

I walked bare feet to feel the sand between my toes,
Holding my heels in hand, an excitement in me rose.
The wind caressed my cheeks,
a hidden pleasure I actually seeked.

The dark sea glistened in the serene moonlight,
roaring with a self delight.
Wild and free, just like I used to be
It rejoiced for somewhere I found me.

Waves plunged and soaked my silk dress.
I kept stepping in and forgetting all my stress.
I stretched my arms wide,
remembered my childhood fantasy of the whale ride.

I closed my filled eyes and smiled with glee.
The sea gave me my final ecstasy.

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