Sunday, January 4, 2015

One last time

The last time I loved, he ran away!
But I did pluck off his balls
I keep them in my jewelry box and wear them as earrings for parties.

The last time things meant to me,
Was when it didn't mean to him.
But I did keep my silence, because if I hadn't it will not make me any different from him.

The last time I decided to stay, it confused him.
A dog chases a ball not because it loves the ball.

The very last time I said I was done, I saw hope in a beautiful winter morning. One last time I decided to stay and love 'myself'.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Hero

It skips a beat again,
For you my new hero!
You, yes you!
Unaware and casual, aren't you?
If only you knew what your presence does to me
I forget breathing for a while.
My mind phases out and all I think of is you.

My shrieks and giggles turn down into silence.
Each day passes and I keep hoping to get that one glimpse of you
My stomach churns when I hear your voice at a distance.
What is it that you do to me?

I smile all day when our eyes meet
and so I avoid looking at you too.
I like the way it is.
Unexpressed and unacknowledged.
Saves a lot more trouble.
You at a distance and my heart skipping beats here.

Thank you for making me smile all over again.
Life has a rainbow now.

You are truly my hero.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Love in Dystopia

Love in its purest form is not questioned nor doubted for its very mention is suffice to understand its intensity.
It isn't calculated and cannot be measured by a scale.
Love is all about humming the same tune...
Love is all about sharing a single spoon...
Love is to look in the same direction...
Its to hear what goes unsaid...
Its when I stay, even when you leave me
Absorbing another soul into yourself and retaining your own in the same place.

On a dark,windy rainy night
There I stood right outside.
Unperturbed and indifferent
The rain soaked me till I got cold
Stared through rain-drenched eyes
My hair dripping made my head dizzy
I held my coughs back
pretending to not look sick.
The lightning roared in the sky
flashing my face to you once in a while,
and there you sat so cozy & sheltered.
Pretending too, not to look at me
I didn't miss it,not even for once
your pretension kept me rooted.
Stood there so long,all in vain
I wondered if I had fallen for a stone.
Nothing made sense to me

But you still sat and never left,
I forgot I was in the rain.
You unexpectedly came over to me
Shielding me in your arms with a warm smile
So warm that I was no more cold.
You brought me in and dried my hair
covered me all over and held me tight.
I could hear you sing a lullaby
as you rocked me to sleep.
The two hearts pounded as a rhythm in one beat,
You know what I wondered?
Everything made sense to me.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Nature's Lunatic

His desk had more bonsais than files,
They called him nature's lunatic.
He called himself passionate.
Reluctant to use leather, his laptop hung in his jute bag.
The superiors eyed him with disgust
His footwear never appealed to none in office.
The few friends who shared his lunch,
he boasted the food came from his garden.
They wondered if a garden could exist in a metropolis.
But he always crossed impossibilities,
Finished sudokus in half a minute
and month old project reports in days.
They called him lunatic,
He ...he just smiled and smelled roses.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Commander

My countenance gleams on my impetuous sword
and I look back and seize,
as hatred and contempt fills my each word.
Steeling my shoulders, so that they do not tremble.
Behold! Men, we will not stumble.

Not today for there might never be a tomorrow.
We live to fight and not live to die.
Brace yourself with no sorrow.
I foresee our triumph in my eye.

Let the sounds of agony whisper in your ear.
Rush your memories back,
And tell me what do you hear?
Do not ever pray for mercy
for your soul will not rest in peace then.

May gory pulsate heroism in your heart.
Get rid of any lurking fear.
Feel your blood flowing in your veins.
Let your eyes speak of the grit.

Tell my lover,
that I loved like no ever could.
My coldness was my weakness.
But beneath my armor still lies a tenderness
which will never die even if I close my eyes today.

Ask my mother,
not to shed a tear.
My grave will yearn for her forever.
Make her feel proud that her son wasn’t killed
by an unfair arrow shot at his back,
but by another son who obeyed all laws of warfare.
My deathbed be decorated with glory instead of vengeance.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009


My car jerked to a sudden halt unintentionally. I hopped out to find the worst. Relying on the spare tyre for too long, this was pretty much expected…

But then did I realize of the sound of the sea.
The waves hitting the shore calling me.
I got drawn towards it as if I floated in air.
Surprised how I missed its beauty, in all the city lights and glare.

I walked bare feet to feel the sand between my toes,
Holding my heels in hand, an excitement in me rose.
The wind caressed my cheeks,
a hidden pleasure I actually seeked.

The dark sea glistened in the serene moonlight,
roaring with a self delight.
Wild and free, just like I used to be
It rejoiced for somewhere I found me.

Waves plunged and soaked my silk dress.
I kept stepping in and forgetting all my stress.
I stretched my arms wide,
remembered my childhood fantasy of the whale ride.

I closed my filled eyes and smiled with glee.
The sea gave me my final ecstasy.

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